FINAL PROGRAM NOW AVAILABLE (2008-09-01): Click here to view the FINAL Conference Program.
Conference Program now available (2008-08-21): Click here.
Don’t forget to have a look at the Tutorials and City Tours before you register (2008-08-08).
GEOSS workshop on Global Science Modeling and Data Policy (2008-08-04): Click here to view.
INVITATION LETTER (2008-06-22): If you need an invitation letter, please click here to view.
REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN (2008-06-13): Click here to register.
FINAL TECHNICAL PROGRAM NOW AVAILABLE (2008-07-29): Click here to view and search the FINAL Program.
HOTELS (2008-06-04): The accommodation registration page is now available.
Chair’s Welcome

In the Tutorials, you will learn from the best experts in underwater acoustics, airborne hyperspectral imaging, signal processing, autonomous underwater vehicles, synthetic aperture sonar, and array processing. The traditional sessions will present the most recent advances in the fields of acoustics, AUVs, instrumentation, technology, energy, signal processing, observatories, meteorology, offshore structures, policies, remote sensing, underwater non-acoustics, vehicle systems, and data visualization. The special sessions will explore the scientific, technical and policy issues raised by the spectacular regression of the sea-ice cover in the Arctic Ocean and its ancillary seas. Will September 2008 shatter the minimum sea-ice extent record set in September 2007? Mark Serrreze, a leading expert on the question and our banquet speaker, will answer the question.
Oceans’08 also coincides with the 400th anniversary of Quebec City, the most European of North American cities and a historic gateway to the North Atlantic and the Arctic Ocean. A truly maritime cachet, a vibrant culture, the golden light of September, and the exciting nightlife of French Québec will seduce you and your guests.
On behalf of the Oceans Committee, we invite you to a memorable meeting that will change your view of ocean sciences, in a venue that will change your view of life. Bienvenue à Québec!